This means that if you want to install any other firmware on your device, it will not permit you and give the error 3194. In other words, this happens because to update the version of our device, the firmware, the software that we download must be digitally signed by Apple, who has stopped signing the versions earlier than they have available. The computer from which you are trying to operate does not have the latest version of iTunes installed and this causes iTunes error 3194. If you are going to downgrade to an earlier version of firmware, likely the version of iOS you are trying to install on your device is no longer signed by Apple. The communication failure is usually due to the connection being blocked, redirected or interrupted either by security software, new entries in the host file or any other third-party software. ITunes, the Apple media player, is not able to communicate with the server refresh and restore. There are many reasons due to which these errors can happen: Error 3194 is a common issue that appears when iTunes is unable to communicate with the updated server and it means that your iOS device needs help with its update or restoration.