In the LokProgrammer CV read / write menu, you can now write CVs using Programming on the Main ("POM").This firmware also support new silicon revisions of the ARM controller. New Firmware 5.6.145 for LokSound 5 Family: In combination with suitable locomotive PCBA, fan motors could be synchronized with the sound schedule.

New Decoder LokSound 5 micro DCC Direct Atlas Legacy.New firmware 5.6.147 for LokSound 5 family: Registerconditions = have been interpreted as > or = have been interpreted as.Added default values for LokPilot 5 Basic.Added Support for LokSound 5 hardware Revision 5.1.New Firmware 5.6.148 for LokPilot 5 family: Bugfix LokPilot 5 Fx micro Next18 / LokPilot 5 Fx micro Next 18 DCC: Now you can do Service mode programming without load on AUX1.New firmware 5.6.149 for LokSound 5 family: New CV122.5: Analog settings - Sound control behaviour - Ignore Acceleration and Deceleration values in the sound schedule.New firmware 5.7.151 for LokSound 5 family: New CV122.6: Analog settings - Analog mode motor control - High frequency PWM motor control for smoother operation with Coreless motors.MBW "Silberling" digital Interior light.LokSound 5 micro DCC Direct Atlas Legacy.NET Framework will be installed automatically if the computer is connected to the internet.